Gradient Colors

sell anywhere


Barcart POS



A revolutionary new solution that enables wine and spirits brands to facilitate three-tier compliant sales at events, sponsorships, demos and more. Managed simply via a tablet and credit card reader, it streamlines the customer experience, maximizes event ROI for suppliers, and opens new revenue streams for event owners.

Blue Blur Oval Illustration


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Easily convert in person samplings to sales and capture first-party customer data

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Track and optimize purchases and acquired customers rather than activations and engagements.

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Streamline the customer experience with transactions taking less than 30 seconds to complete.


" The Barcart POS system has been fantastic for Hercules Mulligan at events. The platform is incredibly easy for consumers to use, and allows us to convert people from ‘samplers’ to actual consumers, in just a few seconds. From an ROI standpoint, using Barcart POS significantly offsets the cost of marketing events, making them close to break-even or even profitable! This is unheard of, and a real game changer, truly benefiting consumers, brands and retailers "

— Steve Luttmann, Co-Founder of Hercules Mulligan



Packing Goods for Delivery to Customer
Developing programmer Development Website design and coding tech

Barcart has a history of innovation, as one of the first platforms to enable direct-to-consumer sales from a brand’s own website, creating a level of access to first party consumer data that was unprecedented in the alcohol industry and simplifying the purchase process for consumers.



Smiling Smart Lady Working in Prosperous Company